Mar 10, 2011

We are moving our blog

Dear readers,
everything changes including internet so we decided to move our blog closer to our website. From now on news from Lithuania and other Baltic states will be available at the address

Sincerely yours

Lithuanian Tours team


The Act of Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania was signed on 11 March 1990. On this day, the victims of fights for Lithuanian independence are honoured, the ceremony of hoisting the state flag takes place in the Nepriklausomybės Sq., and brass band parades, performances by various groups, and concerts are organised.

For more information:

Feb 28, 2011

... I Baltici? Cosa sono?

... I Baltici? Cosa sono?
editoriale di Adriano Pavan, Ubuntu Travel.

Nel Nord Europa, sul Golfo di Finlandia, bagnati dal Mar Baltico, tra la Russia, la Bielorussia e la Polonia ci sono tre Paesi, spesso accomunati dal nome “Baltici”, che nell'immaginario collettivo, ebbene sì, non esistono. Il nord-Europa è l'Olanda e la Danimarca, la Polonia fa parte dell'est-Europa; la Scandinavia, si sa, che è molto a nord... e loro? I Baltici? La Russia, certo, la grande Russia da San Pietroburgo alle steppe siberiane ha il suo fascino... ma dei misteriosi Baltici, cosa ne sappiamo? In primis, sono tre stati, autonomi e indipendenti, fieri della loro origini ed entusiasti di essere europei. Sono tre realtà estremamente diverse: in Lituania si respira il fascino malinconico della provincia del Gran Ducato di Polonia e Lituania di antica memoria, in cui l'architettura gotica fiammeggiante e barocca nordica incornicia i volti sorridenti di un popolo che parla una delle lingue più antiche del Continente. Andando più a nord, in Lettonia, si incontra un mondo totalmente diverso: i baroni balto-tedeschi hanno lasciato nei loro discendenti la fierezza prussiana e disseminato la rigogliosa pianura di residenze ispirate, proporzionalmente, alle regge europee; la capitale, dai giardini curati, è il tripudio del liberty che informa lo straniero che si trova in una città in cui non esiste un edificio uguale ad un altro. L'Estonia è infine un delicato scrigno: pianure e boschi circondano una capitale che ricorda un borgo medievale del centro Italia evolutosi con influenze scandinave; le torri medievali guardano la città moderna dallo stile minimalista perfetto di cristallo e acciaio in un connubio sorprendentemente bilanciato. I silenziosi estoni, profondamente legati alla natura, hanno una vivace mente creativa: nel 2003 hanno inventato Skype meritandosi il titolo di “ruggente tigre tecnologica del Baltico”. Ed ora, nel 2011 Tallinn è "Capitale Europea della Cultura" con un calendario ricco di eventi:
È impossibile in poche righe raccontare la storia millenaria di questi popoli, descrivere il fascino di paesaggi tranquilli o l'emozione dell'architettura superba. Ogni viaggiatore troverà qualcosa di speciale in ognuno di questi Paesi, sicuramente ne troverà uno delizioso...
Ecco cosa sono i Baltici.

Vi consigliamo le seguenti proposte della Ubuntu Travel dedicate alle Repubbliche Baltiche:

Tour garantito 2011 in italiano:

Weekend a Tallinn, capitale culturale d’Europa 2001:

Feb 24, 2011

On February 24 the Estonian Republic celebrates its 93rd birthday.

Traditionally the day begins at sunrise 7:34am with a flag raising ceremony next to Tall Hermann tower. At 9am wreaths are place on the foot of the Estonian War of Independence Monument on Freedom Square (Vabaduse Väljak).

At 9:45am a religious service takes place in Tallinn's Dome Church and at 11am the nation's armed services parade on Freedom Square.

Many of Tallinn museums and sightseeing spot are closed for the public holiday, but this is all the more reason to get acquainted with those places which are still open for visitors: The Estonian Museum of History is expecting all interested parties on the February 24 between 10am and 5pm to come to Maarjamäe Castle family outing “Long live Estonia”. There is a film program packed with romantic historical films for the old and young at heart. Top billing goes to family historical film “Atmospheres of Estonian history”. Maarjamäe castle is open for viewing due to a generous donation of a million kroon from Bank of Estonia.

Despite the cold weather, Tallinn's many restaurants expect active participants in the festivities and are offering visitors holiday themed special menus.

Further ideas for Independence Day celebrations can be found at:

Contact us to to get more information on our tours or book your weekend in Estonia and Tallinn European Capital of Culture 2011:

Feb 16, 2011

Estonian Air increases flight frequencies with a larger number of planes

Due to the approaching summer holiday season, recent upgrade of the fleet with new aircraft and transition to the summer flight schedule on the last Sunday on March, Estonian Air will increase flight schedule on a number of year-round and seasonal routes.

Estonian Air will serve its flight schedule with a larger number of planes, altogether eight aircraft, which allows the airline to add seats to the market as well as flight frequencies.

-From 27 February 2011, Estonian Air will open a new route between Tartu and Tallinn. Early morning flights from Tartu to Tallinn will be operated six times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Late evening flights from Tallinn to Tartu will be operated on the same days, with the exception on weekends, when Saturday flights are operated on Sundays instead.

- From 27 March 2011, Estonian Air increases the flight schedule between Tallinn and Brussels to six flights a week by adding Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday flights. At present Estonian Air is operating from Tallinn and Brussels three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

-From 27 March 2011, Estonian Air increases the flight schedule between Tallinn and London to four flights a week. Flights from Tallinn to London will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. At present Estonian Air is operating flights on Thursdays and Sundays.

-From 29 March 2011, Estonian Air increases the flight schedule between Tallinn and Moscow to five flights a week by adding Tuesday flights. At present Estonian Air is operating between Tallinn and Moscow three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

-From 2 April 2011, Estonian Air increases the flight schedule on Tallinn-Amsterdam and Vilnius-Amsterdam routes to seven flights a week by adding Saturday flights. At present Estonian Air is operating flights on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

- On 1 May 2011, Estonian Air will launch a new route between Vilnius and Berlin with four flights a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

In addition, Estonian Air will resume flights to summer destinations:

-From 28 March 2011, between Tallinn and Minsk. The flights will be operated three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The route will be operated until 28 October 2011.

-From 1 May 2011 between, Tallinn and Paris. The flights will be operated three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. The route will be operated until 27 October 2011.

- From 1 May 2011, between Kuressaare and Stockholm once a week on Sundays. The route will be operated until 28 August 2011.

-From 2 May 2011, between Tallinn and Berlin with three flights week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The route will be operated until 30 September 2011.

-From 7 May 2011, between Tallinn and Barcelona. Between the period from 7 May to 6 June the flights are operated once a week on Saturdays; from 14 June to 30 August twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and from 3 September to 29 October on Saturdays.

-From 7 May 2011, between Tallinn and Milan. The flight will be operated once a week on Saturdays, the route will be operated until 24 September 2011.

-From 18 June 2011, between Tallinn and Nice. The flights are operated once a week on Saturdays, the route will be operated until 17 September 2011.

For more information please visit :

Contact us to to get more information on our tours or book your weekend during Tallinn European Capital of Culture 2011:

Feb 9, 2011

Winter Jazz in Tallinn: February 12 – March 18

This year there is a chance to enjoy Estonia's innovative and unsung jazz performers. Pianists and composers Tõnu Naissoo and Urmas Lattikas both will perform music from their 2011 albums, jazz singer Kadri Voorand will be broadcast all around Europe. Foreign performers include – Donkey Monkey (Fra-Jpn), Lucia Recio – Didier Petit (Fra), Rouge Madame (Est-Fra) andSergio Bastos with Raivo Tafenau Quintet (Bra-Est).

Always innovative and evolving, Winter Jazz will give you new way to experience music.
Festival program available at

Contact us to to get more information on our tours or book your weekend during Tallinn European Capital of Culture 2011:

Feb 1, 2011


On January 28-31 Lithuanian Tours in cooperation with Polish Airlines LOT, hotels Radisson Blu Olympia and Nordic Forum, Estonian Tourism Board and Tallinn City Tourist Office arranged an educational familiarization trip for Italian tour operators and agents to Tallinn. Among the group memebers there was also a journalist from Travel Quotidiano.

The trip was a good opportunity for our present or to-be-partners to meet with our suppliers, experience their preperties and test our operations.
During the short visit the group got acquainted with a wide choice of hotels that Tallinn has to offer, tasted meals at various city restaurants offering traditional and European cuisine, had an orientation city tour of Tallinn. At dinner kindly hosted by Radisson BLU Olympia the group met with Ms Maris Hellrand from Foundation Tallinn2011 who shared information on the main events of Tallinn - European Cultural Capital 2011.The group also met with Mr Madis Kass, Destination Marketing Cooordinator, Estonian Tourism Board, who acquainted the guests with the main goals for the Italian market. We would like to thank all our partners who contributed a lot in arranging the FAM trip Tallinn.